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Cranial-Sacral Therapy



What is Cranial-Sacral Therapy (CST)?


Cranial-Sacral Therapy is a gentle way of working with the body, using a very light touch. A CST therapist places their hands lightly on the head and neck, and uses them to 'listen' to the body and its reactions to their touch. There is no wrenching, pulling or manipulation involved. As the sacrum (pelvis) is connected to the skull via the spinal cord and vertebrae, subtle movements of the sacrum and the dural fluid in the spinal cord can be sensed as the cranial bones are held. Just this holding process may have a powerful effect on balancing the entire body, and changes may be noticed in body, mind and spirit after a CST session


Who is Cranial-Sacral Therapy suitable for?


Because Cranial-Sacral Therapy is so gentle and non-invasive, it is suitable for everyone; from newborn babies to the elderly. Mothers often come along with their babies for help with problems associated with traumatic or difficult births. As CST may enable the body to release tension and fear held in the body, a sense of calmness, wellbeing and clarity of mind is often the result. Clients may come for a CST session for help with: migraines, headaches, eye problems, blocked sinuses, depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD, whiplash/car accidents, scoliosis, chronic bad posture, cerebral palsy, neck pain, autism, eye motor dysfunction, stress, brain-fog, poor memory, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, dyslexia, ear infections, seizures and epilepsy, loss of sense of smell, hay fever, TMJ issues (Temporo-Mandibular Joint - the hinge of the jaw, which, if out of alignment may result in poor digestion, as digestion starts with the chewing process.); indeed, many physical, mental and emotional problems may be addressed using CST.


How long does a CST session last?


It takes about 20-30 minutes as I use CST as an 'add-on' to a KORE Therapy treatment, though some clients like a 'top-up' session on its own, between KORE Therapy treatments.


What might I experience during a Cranial-Sacral session?


Clients report a wide variety of experiences, including: A sense of ease and relaxation. - Warm, tingling or buzzing sensations. - A sense of peace and tranquility. - Feeling balanced. - Feeling energised. - Seeing different colours and patterns behind their closed eyes. - Remembrance of past events. - Connection with a sense of Spirit or Higher Self. - A sense of deepening body- and self-awareness. - A feeling of letting go, physically, mentally and emotionally.


How many sessions are recommended?


To truly benefit from CST, you may need more than one or two sessions. Practitioner and client will decide on how many sessions would be best, as the the treatment plan progresses.


What is different about CST?


Through the simplicity of gentle listening touch, CST offers a profound stillness that allows the mind and body to deeply rest, and for natural balance, harmony and healing to begin to take place. CST recognises and assists the connection linking the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In the peaceful space created during a session, these strands can become more fully integrated, as each assists the other to help the body to heal itself.

Jane Goodman's Sacral-Cranial Balancing Therapy | Call 07908 010 005 to make your appointment

Do I need to undress?


If it is part of a KORE Therapy treatment, then ladies might like to wear light trousers or leggings as the legs are raised briefly for the muscle tests used as part of KORE Therapy. If CST is a stand-alone 'top-up' session then any clothing is suitable.


Effective treatment for...


- Release fear & tension in body


- Promotes sense of calm & wellbeing


- Gives clarity of mind, clears brain-fog


- Migraines, headaches, blocked sinuses


- ADD, depression, anxiety, insomnia


- Whiplash, neck pain, vertigo, TMJ


- Posture, scoliosis, back pain, stress


- Seizures, epilepsy, poor memory


- Tinnitus, deafness, ear infections


- Dyslexia, eye motor dysfunction


- Hay fever, loss of sense of smell


- Cerebral palsy, autism

Quick Reference Guide

How much does it cost?


Either as a stand-alone treatment, an add-on to KORE Therapy, or as a top-up between KORE Therapy treatments: £20 for 20 minutes


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None of the complementary holistic therapies offered by Jane Goodman Holistic Therapies is intended as primary healthcare. Complementary holistic therapies work alongside the relationship you have with your professional medical practitioner. If you have any medical concern, you must always consult your GP. As a holistic practitioner, I do not diagnose, prescribe medication or advise you to stop taking prescribed medication without first consulting your doctor.

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