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What is Reflexology?


Reflexology is a gentle, non-intrusive, holistic therapy (i.e.: the whole body is treated and not just a specific part of the body, illness or disease), based on the theory that different points on the feet (and lower leg, hands, face or ears) correspond with different areas and systems of the body.


Pressure is applied to the feet using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques, with or without cream, talc or oil. I use a special foot cream in my clinic. Reflexologists believe that granular accumulations of waste products gather in and around these reflex points. By breaking down and massaging away these accumulated toxins, blocked nerve pathways are opened, the naturally flowing energy (Qi, Chi, or Prana) can be freed, and the blood circulation is improved to flush away toxic matter.


Reflexology is a complete treatment which may improve nerve function, increase blood supply to the body and organs, and help to normalise the functions of the body, so allowing the body to start to heal itself. The aim of Reflexology is to create 'homeostasis', which means that the organs and systems of the body are all working together, in harmonious balance.


The History Of Reflexology 


Foot massage is an ancient technique, said to have originated in China over 5000 years ago. It was also practised in ancient Egypt and tomb paintings in the pyramids portray men manipulating the hands and feet of others. Reflexology/foot massage was also practised by the Aztecs, Incas and Native Americans, and in India and Japan. In Europe, a form of Reflexology was known and practised in the 14th century.


'Zone Therapy' was developed by Dr William Fitzgerald in America in the 1880s. He found that he was able to induce numbness and so alleviate his patients' pain, by applying pressure to another part of the body. In the 1930s, US physiotherapist Eunice Ingham took this concept further, charting the feet in relation to different areas and the effect on the body until she evolved a 'map' of the entire body on the feet. She was the first person to use the term 'Reflexology', devoting 40 years of her life to its practise and teaching, becoming known as 'The Mother of Reflexology.' Doreen Bayly, an Englishwoman, trained under Ingham and brought Reflexology back to the UK in the 1960s.


What are the benefits of Reflexology? 


Reflexology is deeply relaxing. Many clients actually fall asleep during a treatment. When we relax, our minds and bodies have 'breathing space' in which to heal. An increase in circulation of the blood and drainage of lymphatic fluids occur, so toxins, excess fluid etc are removed. Reflexology triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety, stopping the 'fight- or-flight' response, so allowing stress to be released and the body to begin to heal. Reflexology may reduce or even eliminate pain. Reflexology may also help sufferers of long-term degenerative disorders such as MS and Parkinson's to manage their symptoms.



Jane Goodman's Reflexology treatments now available | Call 07908 010 005 to book now

Effective treatment for...


- Detoxificaton, MS, Parkinsons


- Deep relaxation, stress relief


- Arthritis, cancer/chemo pain mangement


- Enlarged prostate & UTIs


- IBS, bloating, constipation


- Sinusitis, tinnitus, dizziness, earache


- Headaches, migraines, colds, 'flu


- Menstrual, fertility, non-ovulation


- Foot & ankle pain & swelling


- Pregnancy management & relaxation


-  Thyroid disorders


- Respiratory issues, i.e.: asthma

How much does it cost?


£40 for every 45-60 minute treatment


Do I need to undress?


You will be required to remove all footwear and socks etc.


Quick Reference Guide

Frequently Asked Questions



None of the complementary holistic therapies offered by Jane Goodman Holistic Therapies is intended as primary healthcare. Complementary holistic therapies work alongside the relationship you have with your professional medical practitioner. If you have any medical concern, you must always consult your GP. As a holistic practitioner, I do not diagnose, prescribe medication or advise you to stop taking prescribed medication without first consulting your doctor.

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