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How much does it cost?


As an add-on to KORE Therapy, or as a top-up between KORE Therapy treatments, £15 for 15 minutes or £20 for 20 minutes


Do I need to undress?


Yes, however a modesty cover will always be provided to ensure your personal privacy and comfort


Effective treatment for...


- ME, tiredness, fatigue


- Arthritis, fibromyalgia


- Rheumatism, scoliosis 


- Musculoskeletal disorders 


- Cystitis, kidney & UTIs


- Colds, influenza, aches/pains


- Respiratory conditions, asthma


- Tight muscles, spasms, cramp


- Cellulite


- Anxiety, depression, stress


-  Insomnia


- Back, neck, shoulder pain

Quick Reference Guide



Cupping therapy has been widely used around the world for a millenia. In China, the earliest records date back to 3000 years ago, and in Egypt to 1550 BC. Galen and Hippocrates were early western advocates to the tremendous benefits of cupping; Hippocrates noting in Ancient Greece the use of large glass jars to reduce the dislocation of vertebrae, along with many other symptoms. 

Originally the 'cups' were made from bamboo or cow horn, so treatments have also been termed 'bamboo therapy' or 'horn therapy'.  Today a predominant form of modern cupping uses glass globes. 

In a cupping treatment, glass cups are warmed by a flame which removes all the oxygen inside the cup, creating a vacuum. The vacuum created anchors the cup to the skin once it is placed upon the body, usually the back, hips, neck, shoulders, but the stomach, thighs and arms can also be treated. The cups are left on the body for up to 20 minutes. 


The vacuum draws the skin up to 4" into the cup, opening up the skin's pores, stimulating the flow of blood, balances and aligns the flow of Qi (energy or Life Force), breaks down obstructions such as painful trigger points, and creates an avenue for toxins to be drawn out of the body. 

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), all pain in the body is believed to stem from stagnated blood; if the blood isn't flowing, neither is the Qi (energy), and pain is the result. As cupping increases blood flow and removes toxic build-up, it can have a beneficial result on stiff and aching muscles (i.e.: fibromyalgia, post-sport/activity aches etc), and activates the secretion of synovial fluids, so releasing joint stiffness. 


Cupping also increases peristaltic movements and the secretion of digestive fluids (helpful in cases of constipation etc). Treatment of the spine during cupping has a massive impact on pain control and operation of the internal organs by affecting the spinal nerves.


As cupping works to remove toxins from the body, it is an extremely effective remedy for colds and 'flu. As cupping stimulates blood flow, it is helpful in cases of exhaustion/fatigue; as the blood circulation increases, so does the flow of oxygen around the body, increasing energy. 

Usually a number of cups are applied the the skin for several minutes, creating a state of relaxation in the muscles, before being removed. While cupping is not usually considered painful, it may leave red or dark purple circular marks on the skin for several days, giving the effect of having been hugged by an octopus! The darker the bruise, the deeper the treatment has been and an indication of old, stagnated blood having been shifted. 





Cupping should not be performed on inflamed skin;  in cases of fever or convulsion;  on clients who bleed easily;  on burns/sunburn (but is effective in cases of sunstroke); on open wounds or trauma; during pregnancy the abdomen and lumbar region should be avoided. 

Jane Goodman's Holistic Cupping Therapy | Northampton 07908 010 005


Jane Goodman's Holistic Therapies | Anmo Fu Abdominal Massage Therapy | 07908 010 005
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None of the complementary holistic therapies offered by Jane Goodman Holistic Therapies is intended as primary healthcare. Complementary holistic therapies work alongside the relationship you have with your professional medical practitioner. If you have any medical concern, you must always consult your GP. As a holistic practitioner, I do not diagnose, prescribe medication or advise you to stop taking prescribed medication without first consulting your doctor.

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