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A Guide To Dry Body Brushing + When & Why You Should

A Guide To Dry Body Brushing + When & Why You Should blog article by Jane Goodman of Goodman Holistic Therapies, Northampton

A few years ago I went to see my GP about a small warty kind of growth on my thigh, concerned that it may be the start of something pretty nasty.

My GP laughed and told me it was an age-related growth: Seborrheic Keratosis. He blithely informed me that I could expect more of the same as I got older.

So whilst it wasn't, as feared, a cancerous growth, it WAS, potentially, the start of something nasty, and I wasn't having that!

So I researched what I could do about it, and how I could prevent more from growing on my skin, without resorting to invasive methods. And I discovered Dry Body Brushing.

It's exactly what it sounds like; brushing the DRY body before showering or bathing.

Why Dry Body Brush?

Your skin, the largest organ in the human body is an organ of elimination. One third of your body’s toxins are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete toxins that become trapped in the skin, so helping to prevent sickness.

Dry skin brushing also:

- boosts your circulation

- exfoliates your skin

- may reduce cellulite

- prevents and corrects in-growing hairs (e.g. on the legs after waxing or shaving)

- offers stress relief (as it becomes a ritual and meditative practise)

- invigorates and energises as blood flow increases, sending oxygen and nutrients coursing around the body.

-may decrease localised pain (Traditional Chinese Medicine says that all pain is due to blood stagnation. Where the blood flows, the Qi - or Chi/Prana/Life Force - follows, reducing pain and inflammation).

How do I do it?

Choose a dry skin brush with firm, but not hard, natural bristles, and brush your dry skin once or twice a day for optimal results. I do it each morning before my shower - it takes just a couple of minutes.

Choose a long-handled brush so that you can reach your back and other hard to reach areas. Always brush toward your heart, using long, even strokes.

The pressure you apply while brushing your skin should be firm but not painful (avoid scrubbing). Your skin should be pink after a session (not red or irritated) and you can brush for as long (or as little) as you'd like. An average dry brushing session may last between two and 20 minutes.

Avoid brushing your face (unless you have a special brush designed for this delicate skin), your genitals, or any areas with irritations or abrasions (including varicose veins).

Within 6 weeks of daily Dry Body Brushing that skin growth had completely disappeared! My skin is soft and 'new' looking thanks to this technique; plus I am rarely ill.

So invest in a brush -and in your skin -and start a healthy new habit today!

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